Emily Knurr | Portraits

This was a last minute planned shoot. For no reason, but only for me really. I needed something to find. I needed to find that spark of passion I seemed to have when I first picked up a camera. Seasons change and they don’t stop coming. This new season I find myself in life is quite different. However I always remember that the Lord is so faithful. He is with us even when we forget Him. I am thankful for a good friend and the photographer who inspired me to pick up a DSLR camera and to ‘go for it’. I wouldn’t be were I am now without alot of his encouragement. These pictures, these edits… they mean so much more to me personally than anyone. It’s MY work and it’s what I’m proud of. A big thank you for Emily Knurr for getting up at 6am and posing! 🙂

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